Astronomy Books For Kids

Astronomy is a fascinating subject, which can open up a whole new world of exploration for people who have an interest in science and space. From the basics of astronomy to a look at the history of our understanding of the Universe, there are a great range of books out there that will help you find out more.

For Dummies (Science): A Short Course in Astronomy / 2.e by Peter Storr and David Gunter

Whether you’re a student or a teacher, you may want to use this book as an introduction to astronomy. It is written in a clear, non-technical language with lots of examples and analogies to help you understand what the field of astronomy is all about and why it’s such an exciting one for us all.

There are also a few astronomy books for kids that will get you interested in the sky and planets, while others are written to inspire young explorers and introduce them to the world of science.

Galaxy Zoo: A Citizen Science Project to Discover Galaxies / 1.e by Chris Lintott

If you’re a fan of The Sky at Night, you’ll probably know about Galaxy Zoo. This citizen science project, set up over ten years ago by Chris Lintott and his team, has become an international phenomenon, with countless discoveries made by the ‘zooniverse’ as a result of thousands of people from around the world helping to classify galaxies through their observations. The book, which tells the story of the original zooniverse project, and explains its growth to encompass dozens of projects, is both engaging and informative.

Star Mentor: A Portable Star Guide / 3.e by Nicole Mortillaro and John Dillon

If your young ones are keen to learn about the stars and planets, this is the perfect book for them! It is packed full of useful information, from moon phase charts and sky maps to the basics of binoculars and telescopes. The author’s chatty narrative will appeal to children, while the charming colour illustrations by Meredith Hamilton will make learning about the stars even more fun!

The Solar System: A Kid’s Guide / 4.e by Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock

If you’ve got little ones aged 8 and over who love science, this would be a perfect book for them. It explores the Solar System, the great astronomers who have discovered it and what they found. It also teaches kids about comets, meteoroids and asteroids.

The Big Picture: An Astronomy Journey / 5.e by Steve Dye

If astronomy fascinates you, this is the perfect book for you. The author, a former NASA engineer, reveals the stories behind many of the milestones in our understanding of the universe.

From Copernicus’ revolutionary claim that the Earth orbits the Sun to Einstein’s astrophysics and Kepler’s discovery of planetary motion, this is an essential book for anyone who wants to know more about the big questions that astronomy has answered. The book also gives a glimpse of how astrophysics is changing our views of the universe, and what the future holds for our understanding of it.